What is The Israel-Palestine Conflict?

• The Israeli Government believe they are entitled to Palestinian land, which Palestinians are opposed to. As such, The Israeli government have forcibly displaced many Palestinians, and are currently committing genocide (mass murder) and injuring many to forcibly take control of the land.

Is being pro-Palestine anti-semetic?

• No. The Israeli government is not the same as Jewish People. Being pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel does not translate to hating jews, they are different entities.

Why don't Palestinians fight back?

• Palestine can not afford a military. Israel is funded by many countries and companies worldwide who have historically been supporters of apartheid worldwide. Therefore this is not a war, as there is a huge power imbalance.

What is Hamas?

• Hamas is an armed resistance group that was created to resist Israel and the oppression of Palestinians. They are currently the governing body in Gaza, Palestine.

• more resources

How to help

Educate yourself

• This website has very brief information, please do your own research on the history of this conflict, as well as the human rights violations taking place - this is the first step to taking meaningful action.


BDS - Boycotts, Divestments, Sanctions

• boycott (STOP BUYING FROM) big companies funding and supporting Israel such as: McDonalds, Starbucks, Disney, Puma, HP etc.
full list

Sign Petitions

• plan.org - ceasefire now
• Demand the U.S. to Cease Financial Aid to Israel
• Petition to the International Criminal Court regarding Israel's Actions towards Gaza
• Demand an End to War Crimes and Supply of Humanitarian Aid to Palestine

• Sanction Israel - End U.S. Complicity in Israeli War Crimes
• Stop Genocide in Gaza

Raise awareness

• Repost and share information with hashtags such as #freepalestine. Use your voice, no matter how small it might be, to speak out against oppression and stand with Palestinians
• The more people speak up and raise their voices against the crimes committed against the people of Palestine, the more external pressure is put in oppressive entities.


• Donations are not able to reach the people of Palestine as the Israeli government has control over Palestine, and are currently not allowing external aid through from other countries. Nevertheless if you are able to donate to these organisations and the NRC please do, for when aid is eventually allowed in.

Buy E-sims for Gaza

• Internet and connectivity in Gaza is very slow and unreliable. If you can, here's how you can buy an international Esim to help journalists in Gaza connect to the internet in neighbouring countries to communicate.
instagram post - how to

Beware of propaganda

• propaganda is misleading information manipulated to fit bias agendas. Currently, Western media are spreading propaganda that is bias against Palestine; ie: Hamas is a terrorist group that is the sole cause of this conflict and are the ones committing genocide in Israel - which is simply not true.

Sources + More Information


Genocide of Uyghur Muslims

how to help Uyghur Muslims in China

The Silent Genocide in Congo

• The people of Congo have been going through a silent holocaust. Men, women and children are being enslaved and killed in order for western countries (USA, UK, France etc.) to exploit them to mine Colton and Cobalt, which are minerals used in many electronics

• These countries have been funding military groups in Uganda and Rwanda to invade regions rich with these minerals. As a result millions of Congolese people are bring killed and raped to this day.

How to help Congo

Educate yourself

• The information provided here is very brief and condensed, please do your own research on the conflict and its root causes, as well as human rights that are currently being violated.


• Donate to the IRC - International Rescue Committee
• Donate to Camme DRC - a Congo-based organisation that helps combat youth marginalisation

Raise awareness

• Raise your voice to bring awareness to the struggles of those whose voices are being silenced.

• There is little to no media coverage on the atrocities and war crimes occurring in the DRC to this day.

• Repost, share and talk about what is happening in Congo. The more people that news reaches, the more pressure is put on western countries who are funding this genocide in Congo.

War in Sudan

• Thousand of people in Sudan have been killed and millions displaced due to conflict between the Sudanese military (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
• more info, twitter thread

Help Sudan


• Donate to Eyes on Sudan

• Donate to the International Organisation for Migration - IOM Sudan
• Donate to The Sudanese American Physicians Association SAPA
• Donate to crisis relief
• Donate to help fund Sudanese women's sanitary products SIHA Network
• Donate to Medicines Sans Frontiers MSF

Write to parliament

• Write a letter to your member of parliament and remind them that you expect them to support marginalised people. template

Raise awareness

• Talk about Sudan - let others know what is happening in Sudan
• Repost and share information about the war in Sudan on Social Media such as tiktok, instagram and twitter